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First Click Testing: Gain Insight from Users’ Initial Clicks

Screen with the results of first click testing, next to the users clicking for the first time.

Key Features

1- Unmoderated Studies

For All

First Click Testing works smoothly on both mobile and desktop platforms. This ensures you get comprehensive coverage across all user devices.


For All Testing

Supports every testing approach, from unmoderated to moderated, making First Click Testing a versatile tool for all your UX research needs.


No Extra

It is included in all Userlytics subscription plans. This feature adds significant value to your UX research without any additional fees.

Business man looking at a first click analysis.

Why Choose First Click Testing?

  • Capture initial clicks: Discover what stands out to your audience by tracking their first clicks. This method provides insights that might otherwise remain hidden, making it a crucial component of UX research.
  • Streamlined user experience: With a straightforward setup and execution process, directly available from the Activities Tab of our study builder, First Click Testing lets you focus on what matters most—understanding your users through their initial interactions.
  • Enhanced engagement: Engage participants with a dynamic and interactive approach. First Click Testing reveals the most significant aspects of your design, leading to richer and more authentic feedback, which is vital for effective UX research.

Does it work for mobile testing? What about BYOU (Bring Your Own Users)?

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First Click Testing works for all UX research methods and recruitment types.

Does it work with websites or screenshots?

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First Click Testing works only with screenshots of websites, prototypes, or mobile apps. This ensures the heatmap is more accurate.

What type of result do we get?

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You’ll get a full heatmap and a click map showing where users clicked on specific places.

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