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Study Activities

Design studies that deliver UX insights

Design the perfect study script to get the UX insights you need. The articles below will teach you how to use our expertly designed activity templates and pool of resources to design study scripts that engage and intrigue your participants.

Design studies that deliver UX insights

Tree Testing

Tree Testing Clients, Tree Testing Clients, Tree Testing Clients With Userlytics’ Tree Testing Tool capability, you can improve the information architecture of your websites, apps and digital prototypes. Also known as reverse card sorting or card-based classification, tree testing is an excellent way to evaluate the findability of topics within your digital asset. What is… Read More »Tree Testing

Skipping Logic

Skipping Logic is a feature that determines which questions will be asked next based on how the previous question was answered. Skipping logic, also known as branching logic, allows you to customize test questions to the actions and answers of your tester. Additionally, skipping logic creates smoother tests as questions which are unnecessary for some… Read More »Skipping Logic

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