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Uncover and share quality UX insights

Learn to make the most of our detailed UX metrics. Read on to discover the many reporting tools offered on Userlytics, and how to share key insights with your colleagues and key stakeholders.

Uncover and share quality UX insights

Analyze and Share UX Study Results

After all your testing sessions have been completed, it’s time to analyze and share your results. Userlytics provides a suite of tools that allow you to quickly review participant UX video session transcriptions in multiple languages, browse and/or search key terms within each testing session, leverage time stamping and hyperlinking to quickly locate and deepen… Read More »Analyze and Share UX Study Results


Transcriptions, Transcriptions Our automated video transcription capability, provided by Amazon Alexa, offers a unique way to quickly and efficiently transcribe lengthy video sessions in a variety of languages. Browse through the transcribed text copy of the audio of each participant session and identify key moments and events, without having to watch the entire session video.The… Read More »Transcriptions

How to Create Highlight Reels

Create Highlight Reels Highlight Reels are a simple and effective Userlytics reporting tool that allow you to automatically compile several related annotations in the same video clip, grouped by theme (tag) or by the study activities your participants complete. You can even automatically assemble clips with common theme/tag from multiple studies. Highlight reels make it… Read More »How to Create Highlight Reels

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